Blog: Personal Reflections, Challenges, and Projects.

3 Things COVID Life Gave Me
Personal Amelia Jantzi Personal Amelia Jantzi

3 Things COVID Life Gave Me

As I think back over the last year and half living in a global pandemic, I remind myself of the things this time GAVE me. It reminded me of certain truths, and shifted how I think about and move through life.

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How Can I Keep From Singing?
Amelia Jantzi Amelia Jantzi

How Can I Keep From Singing?

I’ve been singing for most of my life, but recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of music and the woman who trained me. I’ve come to truly appreciate the beauty and power of music to both transcend the hardships of life, while simultaneously speaking into them.

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Normal Life
Reflection, Religion Amelia Jantzi Reflection, Religion Amelia Jantzi

Normal Life

I thought I knew what normal meant, until COVID19 hit. Then I realized that while the meaning of ‘normal’ can change, there are somethings that remain constant, no matter the storm.

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A Week Without News
Challenges Amelia Jantzi Challenges Amelia Jantzi

A Week Without News

As the reality of COVID-19 took over the news—and our lives—I found myself in need of a break. For 5 days, I vowed to ignore my normal sources of news, to unexpected discovery.

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