Blog: Personal Reflections, Challenges, and Projects.
Believe the Fairytale
Fairytales might look like children’s stories, but they are so much more than that; they point to certain, deep truths about the world, least of which is the very real existence of true love.
Running into Tomorrow
Like most runners, I’ve had some pretty spectacular falls. As painful as these falls have been, they’ve been powerful reminders of just why running is such an important part of my life.
Mutual Joy & Perfect Love
It’s been 50 days of marriage, and over these 50 days I’ve truly come to appreciate how our love and life together is perfected by and through the divine love of Christ.
From Where Is My Help To Come?
A few thoughts on resurrection, reconciliation, and restoration, in our own personal lives, and in the world.
Confessions of a Pastor’s Kid
Recently I was reminded how deeply my identity as a PK runs, so I thought I share a few thoughts on what growing up in a ministry family really looks like, particularly in the time of COVID.
When the Dust Settles
The last few months have revealed much about my life and the world. It’s shown where things are strong and where things are weak, and it’s made me ask myself who I want to be and how I want to change.
The Timeless Appeal of Jane Austen
Jane Austen’s works have captivated readers for generations, and remind me that no matter how much the world changes, the most important elements of life remain.
Song For My Mother
Happy Mothers’ Day, Mom. Thank you for all you’ve given me and all your love.